Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Collective Name!

What do we call a group of tigers. Can anyone please tell me the collective name for tigers.. like.. A Parliament of Owls. Tigers are generally not seen in groups.. but there have been some instances when people have seen them in Groups.. Mr. Valmik Thapar has photographed as many as 9 tigers together in Ranthambhore National Park.


Gowri said...

Hello Aman,

Since community living in tigers has been observed very recently,there is no word for a group of tigers (as far as my knowledge goes).

So, we may have to use the most suitable word. We cant call it a Pride, I feel, because the community lifestyle of tigers is very different to that of lions.

Since tigers are very similar to house-cats we may employ the collective word for cats for tigers as well. A group of cats is called a clowder. So a "clowder" of tigers may be ok, I suppose.

Urban Jungli said...

Some call it a "Streak of Tigers".. Donno what they're called.. i read it somewhere..

Gowri said...

Hmmm...a "streak" is very creative I must say - suits the striped beauties well. :-)

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